Laura Wilson


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Obedience to Him

I’m so quick to ignore how alive God truly is. Before I was placed in a community of a constant want for God and a hunger to know him deeper, I never recognized how alive he is and present in our … Read more about Obedience to Him


While riding home from evangelism this week I heard something beautiful said that really stuck with me- humans were made to worship. Just hearing this made sense. When at a football game or a … Read more about Worship

Laura Wilson

Hi! Welcome to my blog! This is where I will be able to share some of my experiences and what I have been up to while on my mission! I am beyond excited for what the Lord has prepared for me next year and hope you will join me on this journey. I am so excited to share why I have chosen this for next year, and to share a little about what I will be doing. As I am sure many people know I was planning on going to college somewhere around home next year, and I wanted to major in agriculture. As fun as that sounded, I never felt much of a draw to it and it just kind of seemed like the easy choice. I tried for awhile to get excited for this next step, but no matter what school I looked at, none of them felt like the perfect fit. I had not heard of The World Race at all until I started looking at different paths. I knew I wanted to commit to something that would share love and give me a direct purpose. Once I found World Race it felt perfect and I felt at so much peace with my choice to serve through this ministry. I leave for my mission in August and return home in May (9 whole months! Yay!) and I am BEYOND excited. I love to travel, as many know, and on top of that I get to spread the good news of Jesus!! I will be going to Nepal, Eswatini, and Nicaragua. In those countries we (me and other kids arounds my age) will connect with local ministry and serve wherever they need us. This could be leading bible studies, church planting, discipleship, prayer ministry, childrens ministry, and so much more.