As I start to look forward to reuniting and living with my squad in Eswatini soon, and as I reflect on living with my team these past two months, I’ve started to recognize the importance that community truly has on our lives! I can see the drastic difference in myself after living with people who allow the Lord to be in the drivers seat in their lives, verses when I surrounded myself with people who put Him in the passenger seat. The Lord calls us to live a life of unity with our bothers and sisters in Christ. Acts 2:42-47 talks about the fellowship of Believers. Verse 44 speaks to me the most in this passage, saying “All who believed we’re together and had all things in common.” They had all in common! If our foundations are based solely on the Lord then we will have all in common. This is how the Lord created us to fellowship together- the passage goes on to show how the Lord blesses those relationships!
The Lord didn’t create us to walk through life some but with other believers! He places people in our lives that reflect his goodness and love to draw us closer to Him.
Before this trip I remember praying to the Lord to place people in my life that would bring me closer to Him; for people who gave Jesus the drivers seat. In just a few sort months I can say with confidence that the Lord heard and answered that prayer. His heart is for us to be in relationship with Him and with other believers. So when I prayed for Him to place people in my life that would bring me closer to Him- he heard and answered! God wants us to know his heart and his character!!! The people He places in our lives can reflect that and show us more of Him. The people we surround ourselves with will always either bring us closer to the Lord, or will lead us away from Him. It’s one or another and it’s up to us which way we go and who has that influence into our lives. Allow your heart to be influenced by people who invite the Lord into theirs!!!
Acts 2 : 42- 47
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking breads in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Always an encouragement Laura! Love hearing how God is working in your own life and how he’s using you to minister and work in others lives!
Laura, isn’t it amazing grace for the hope and reassurance that we do not need to walk our path alone. To know God is always there for us, with us and moves people into our lives to help, guide and love us is such a God blessing! I know and pray God continues to provide and guide as you travel to Africa. Much love, Nana
Laura, I read all of your posts, even though I rarely comment. I can see and sense your heart beating ever stronger for the Lord. I hope you recognize that you are putting God in the driver’s seat (using your words), so you are also an answer to others’ prayers. You are a blessing, Laura! Stay strong in your faith and keep listening to God’s whispers.