Laura Wilson


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Wow. This week has been everything. I was told over and over to walk into the race with zero expectations (shoutout Drew McKinney) but I never fully knew how to do that or what that would look like. I think I get it now.

This past week has been so fulfilling and eye opening. We’re doing ministry with the organization REAP Granada for our two months in Nicaragua and through them we do farm work, prayer walks (aka house visits), hospital ministry, as well as dump ministry.

Yesterday we did house visits and farm work. We had devotions with Scott (our ministry host) so only got to visit one family. At that house, we got the opportunity to talk to this sweet lady. Usually when we’re getting to know the people we’re talking to, we try to establish where they are in their faith journey. This lady told us how she knows who Jesus is and there wasn’t any question about it. She knew he was the son of God, but she shared that she hadn’t fully accepted him as her savior. She told us that she just wasn’t ready for that step yet. She wasn’t ready to have to change her lifestyle (the examples she shared were the way she spoke or the clothes she wore) and give that all up. It just seemed like a big step for her.

Honestly, that hit me right in the heart. I know exactly where she is. For such a long time I didn’t want to “fully” commit to God, I was so content with finding my comfort in worldly things, and the thought of having to give them up just scared me. And it makes sense, I mean we tell ourselves that it’s (our worldly comforts) bringing us joy or that it’s okay just because culture says it is. And in reality, I don’t really know that much but I do know that since being here and having to give up most of my comforts and switch the way I’ve been living, I have seen a whole different side of life. There is real joy found in life walking with Christ and it truly doesn’t compare to what little happiness I was living with.

It’s so easy to think that we’re too far away from God to come back to him, or that we’re too unclean for him; that we have to come to him clean and pure. But that is so far from the truth. God wants a relationship with all of us and he meets us in our brokenness. (Read 1 John 1:7-9) He meets us where we’re at. Every. Single. Time.

We can never be fully clean without him because he is what cleanses us. As we explained this to the lady, I just was overwhelmed with sympathy, because I’ve worn those shoes before and it’s such a heavy thought to bore. However, it’s just a thought that the enemy is trying to put in our heads to separate us from the father. But that’s all it is- a thought. It only has any power over us if we allow it to.

It continues to shock and amaze me how I live opposite lives, thousands of miles apart from the people we get to talk to, yet our struggles are so similar. We’re all broken and needing God’s mercy, no matter what part of the world we live on or how we live.

11 responses to “Ministry in Nicaragua- Week One!!”

  1. What an amazing description of your first experience with ministry in Nicaragua and reflection on how similar our lives are with those across the world. I am proud of the growth you are making, and know your work this week made an impact.

  2. So true, Laura. It is hard to give up the things we THINK will bring us JOY, until we find out what TRUE JOY really is…the JOY OF JESUS! I pray for your growth in JESUS and your safety as you travel and minister to others.

  3. You have realized one of God’s greatest truths- that He loves and wants us all and will meet us where we are as we are. It is sometimes scary to turn loose of what we know and trust Him.
    Thank you for serving and sharing

  4. Love your perspective and vulnerability to share how you related. Love Love Love seeing the fruits of your love and labor as you are serving and following gods Plan in your life! Truly inspiring!

  5. What an amazing experience and your reflections are biblical. Jesus said it was more difficult for a rich man to get into Heaven. This is not because he doesn’t have the same opportunity as anyone else. It is because it’s hard to let go of comforts in this world and focus on an eternal home with God. You are learning this so young and I’m so excited for the your future!

  6. You are amazing and inspiring! I can’t wait to follow your journey. Sending you a hug and continued prayers for this incredible experience!

  7. What an amazing week! Can not wait to read how God changes you and the lives of those you are ministering to in the weeks to come.

  8. Keep it up Laura! Proud of you and the work you are doing for the furtherance of the kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven will not be stopped! Matthew 13:1-23

Laura Wilson

Hi! Welcome to my blog! This is where I will be able to share some of my experiences and what I have been up to while on my mission! I am beyond excited for what the Lord has prepared for me next year and hope you will join me on this journey. I am so excited to share why I have chosen this for next year, and to share a little about what I will be doing. As I am sure many people know I was planning on going to college somewhere around home next year, and I wanted to major in agriculture. As fun as that sounded, I never felt much of a draw to it and it just kind of seemed like the easy choice. I tried for awhile to get excited for this next step, but no matter what school I looked at, none of them felt like the perfect fit. I had not heard of The World Race at all until I started looking at different paths. I knew I wanted to commit to something that would share love and give me a direct purpose. Once I found World Race it felt perfect and I felt at so much peace with my choice to serve through this ministry. I leave for my mission in August and return home in May (9 whole months! Yay!) and I am BEYOND excited. I love to travel, as many know, and on top of that I get to spread the good news of Jesus!! I will be going to Nepal, Eswatini, and Nicaragua. In those countries we (me and other kids arounds my age) will connect with local ministry and serve wherever they need us. This could be leading bible studies, church planting, discipleship, prayer ministry, childrens ministry, and so much more.