Laura Wilson


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It’s been almost two months in my (new) favorite place, and we leave for debrief on the seventh. I wish I could accurately describe how life here has been, yet all my descriptions feel like a jumble. I would say Nicaragua is so slow and soft, while also having a fast pace and a hard love; it doesn’t make sense. I know. The people here love so truly, you can tell they mean it and it’s real. Everyday I’ve been here I’ve had the opportunity to do house visits, and every single time I’ve been welcomed in with warm smiles and an open heart. I’ve never seen anything like it, people wear their truths on their sleeves, whether it’s good or bad it’s there. My favorite moments are when we find certain people in this community who feel just like family. You start the conversations with an eager “yes come in!”  and end with a tight hug and prayer. And in the center of all of these moments, what makes them so special, is the Lord. When the Lord is the center of our conversations it makes sense that they would be full of life and love, because he is life and love! From getting to hold newborn babies (literally!!) to visiting widows, I can whole heartedly say I’ve been able to see the Lord move in every interaction. When we aren’t pouring into others, we’re the ones being poured into and wow do I just love it!! I’ve had moments during these past two months that honestly I thought would’ve separated me from the Father but looking back it’s so evident that every time I thought I was running from him, he was waking right next to me and teaching me how to slow down to walk with him.

The biggest thing I think that the Lord has taught me so far while during this “race” is to appreciate what I have in front of me. It’s so easy for me to look at my future and be excited, nervous, or timid, or look at my past with feelings of longing or bittersweetness, but God has me where I am for a reason. He’s given me what I have and every situation to bring me closer to him, so why would I waste that worrying about something else that he controls? Whenever I find myself missing home or missing certain people I’ve learned to remind myself why I am where I am, and that it’s not for me. To serve the Lord we have to be able to give up things of the world we’re often finding our comforts in, no matter how good they may be. We have to die to our flesh to begin living in the Spirit. How gracious is God to give us what we have? We’ve done nothing to deserve any of it! And that’s the coolest part about our Father, his selfish love for us that we’ve done nothing to deserve.

As my team transitions into our last week of ministry in Nicaragua as well as a period of debrief before our next country, please be praying for us to continue to long for the Lord and for him to continue in revealing himself to us!! He’s been so good to us in Nicaragua and I know his love will be bright in India. I don’t think this transition will be easy but I know we have strength so much stronger than we could imagine through Him. Also pray for us to have a steadfast love for the Lord as we walk into this new environment full of unknowns.

4 responses to “Nicaragua Thoughts & Lessons”

  1. Laura, you are certainly a brightness in all our lives, reminding us , especially at this Christmas season, the importance of truth and love and forgiveness. I couldn’t be any more proud of and blessed by God to know you!! Prayers always for you, your group and the journey, God’s journey, you are on. Blessings and love! Well done my faithful granddaughter❤️

  2. Laura!! You are such an inspiration! I’m so thankful you’re putting your love, light, and faithfulness towards something so much bigger than yourself. I love you!

  3. God bless you, Laura, and your faithfulness to our Father’s calling. I know you are being blessed and blessing many along your journey.

    (Sorry I am so late in reading and posting. A couple of your blog posts went into my spam folder and I don’t know why)

Laura Wilson

Hi! Welcome to my blog! This is where I will be able to share some of my experiences and what I have been up to while on my mission! I am beyond excited for what the Lord has prepared for me next year and hope you will join me on this journey. I am so excited to share why I have chosen this for next year, and to share a little about what I will be doing. As I am sure many people know I was planning on going to college somewhere around home next year, and I wanted to major in agriculture. As fun as that sounded, I never felt much of a draw to it and it just kind of seemed like the easy choice. I tried for awhile to get excited for this next step, but no matter what school I looked at, none of them felt like the perfect fit. I had not heard of The World Race at all until I started looking at different paths. I knew I wanted to commit to something that would share love and give me a direct purpose. Once I found World Race it felt perfect and I felt at so much peace with my choice to serve through this ministry. I leave for my mission in August and return home in May (9 whole months! Yay!) and I am BEYOND excited. I love to travel, as many know, and on top of that I get to spread the good news of Jesus!! I will be going to Nepal, Eswatini, and Nicaragua. In those countries we (me and other kids arounds my age) will connect with local ministry and serve wherever they need us. This could be leading bible studies, church planting, discipleship, prayer ministry, childrens ministry, and so much more.