Laura Wilson


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While my time in Asia I had so much time to sit with the Lord, so I thought I would share some of the things he taught me!! This, and my next blog, are both visuals I had while reading the book of Matthew that matched up with different parts of the book!!

Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

When I read this verse, although it’s short, I see so many things!! It’s talking about buying an empty field and it’s compared to the kingdom of heaven!
When we buy an empty field this passage says that we must go and sell everything. We must sell/lose all the things that we’ve placed above the Lord. All our selfish desires must die so that we’re able to live for the things much greater than us. The comforts of this world feel so ‘needed’, but what’s the truth? What do we actually need? Are we stopping ourselves from treasure because of the things that the world says we need? God invited us into the field with him! He wants us to find the treasure! Jesus was 100% man; he knows our comforts and the things we must sell. He knows what he’s asking us to give up. The Lord our God is the Lord of the harvest!! He promises us- if we buy the field, if we sell everything, he will be with us until the end of the aged. If we receive that as a promise, why would we still doubt? What do I not sell all that I have, or, what else could I sell that I haven’t already? And why am I selling it.. is it for selfish gain or for the Father. When we buy the empty field we find so much treasure!! We find joy that’s indescribable and love that is pure! Yes, it’s hard to sell everything, but it’s so easy to receive from the Father.

2 responses to “What does it look like to buy an empty field?”

  1. Laura, thank you! This scripture provides many answers to prayer, a listing of questions we should ask ourselves and discover the answers to be put into action. So excited to learn of this phase of your journey and the work of God through you!
    Blessings ❤️

  2. Blessings to you, Laura. Praying for you as you travel, as you touch the lives of others, and as you grow in the Lord.

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Laura Wilson

Hi! Welcome to my blog! This is where I will be able to share some of my experiences and what I have been up to while on my mission! I am beyond excited for what the Lord has prepared for me next year and hope you will join me on this journey. I am so excited to share why I have chosen this for next year, and to share a little about what I will be doing. As I am sure many people know I was planning on going to college somewhere around home next year, and I wanted to major in agriculture. As fun as that sounded, I never felt much of a draw to it and it just kind of seemed like the easy choice. I tried for awhile to get excited for this next step, but no matter what school I looked at, none of them felt like the perfect fit. I had not heard of The World Race at all until I started looking at different paths. I knew I wanted to commit to something that would share love and give me a direct purpose. Once I found World Race it felt perfect and I felt at so much peace with my choice to serve through this ministry. I leave for my mission in August and return home in May (9 whole months! Yay!) and I am BEYOND excited. I love to travel, as many know, and on top of that I get to spread the good news of Jesus!! I will be going to Nepal, Eswatini, and Nicaragua. In those countries we (me and other kids arounds my age) will connect with local ministry and serve wherever they need us. This could be leading bible studies, church planting, discipleship, prayer ministry, childrens ministry, and so much more.